Posted by : Unknown Friday, 4 January 2013

For many tourists, a safari trip often means exploring and photographing the wild animals in their natural turf. Choosing appropriate safari gear is an imperative decision if you are contemplating wildlife tours  in India. In this blog post, I am going to give a few relevant tips to help you choose the proper safari gear, without over or under packing. 

Appropriate Clothing 

If you are planning for a safari tour, clothing is the most essential component. It is always advised to avoid bright colored clothes that bring unwarranted attention of the animals. Cotton clothes in neutral colors are a great advantage as they don’t absorb much heat during the day. This is possibly the reason why most people pack light brown, light green and khaki clothes. A good slouch hat with a wide brim is recommended as it protects you from the sun and keep your hair net & clean. 

Shoes & Footwear 

Shoes and footwear are as important as your clothing is. It is possible that you might spend most of your time walking during the safari trip. Therefore, it is vital to choose shoes that are comfortable and also protect your feet. Long  boots and lightweight hikers are two perfect foot gear offering both comfort and protection. 

Photography Equipment 

A good camera is an asset to capture the memories of your jungle safari. However one should not get obsessed for the perfect snap as it tends to dilute the experience. Make sure to carry a good zoom lens camera as it allows  you to capture animals and birds from far-off. Almost all wildlife resorts in India allow photographers to hire jeeps for their personal use and if wildlife photography is your purpose, it is recommended that you do so.

To know more about India's rich wildlife you might like to visit:

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  2. Very nice experience you have shared. jungle experience is really amazing this make you feel thrill by seeing tigers and other jungle animals. I been to tadoba national park and it was very nice experience. I booked resort near tadoba tiger reserve park, named jharana jungle lodge. it was very nice with all facility.

  3. Affordable luxury awaits you at Khopoli (Near Pune). Let this be your home away from home.

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